Hanneman×Marianne Support Conversations
C Support
マリアンヌ: ふう……部屋に戻ろう……。
Marianne: I should head back.
ハンネマン: 訓練は終わったかね、マリアンヌ君。
Hanneman: Finished with your training, Miss Marianne?
マリアンヌ: ハ、ハンネマン先生……?はい、終わりましたが……。
Marianne: Oh! P-Professor Hanneman? Yes, I've just finished training for the day.
ハンネマン: 決められた訓練だけを、ただこなしている。そのように見えたが、間違っているかね?
Hanneman: You have merely completed the exercises assigned to you, yes? Nothing more? Or am I wrong?
マリアンヌ: え……あの……。すみません……。
Marianne: Yes. I'm sorry. I should have done more...
ハンネマン: いや、勘違いしないでくれたまえ。我輩は君に説教をしに来たのではないのだ。
Hanneman: No, no please. You've done as you were asked. Quite solid work, child. I simply wish...to ask a question. You possess a Crest, do you not?
マリアンヌ: そ、それは……。
Marianne: I, um...
ハンネマン: 君が士官学校に入る際、君の父君から修道院に申し入れがあったそうだ。
Hanneman: When you entered the Officers Academy, your father submitted a request to the monastery...as well as a significant donation.
Your father asked that your Crest not be confirmed. Under any circumstances.
At first, I thought he did not want the world to know that his daughter bore no Crest. In your father's position as a newly-minted noble, it would be most advantageous for his daughter to possess a Crest, you see. However, I am now certain I was wrong. I believe you do, in fact, possess a Crest of some sort.
マリアンヌ: どうして、わかるんですか……?
Marianne: How did you find out?
ハンネマン: 我輩はこれでも“紋章学の父”などと呼ばれていてね。
Hanneman: I have been called the "Father of Crestology," which is a bit of an ostentatious title, I admit. However... A brief period of observation allows me to hazard a usually accurate guess as to whether a body houses a Crest or not. With the knowledge of your father's actions, and my own observations, I come to you with a warning... As a Crest-bearer, you are guaranteed to have certain talents. It is prudent to study your Crest diligently to ensure the safe mastery of these talents, whatever they may prove to be.
マリアンヌ: さ、才能なんて……私には、ありません……。
Marianne: No, no. I have no talents.
ハンネマン: いや、ある。いくら隠そうとも、我輩の目は節穴ではないのだよ。
Hanneman: Oh yes, you do. No matter how hard you may try to hide it, my sight is keener than that. And what I see, others will eventually notice as well. Those who hold power must wield it in the service of their fellow man, Miss Marianne. I believe that is true whether you are peasant or noble, and doubly true, I would say, for those with Crest. Or do you think I'm wrong?
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: I...um...
ハンネマン: そもそも、折角の才能を、眠らせておくなど、もったいないことだ。
Hanneman: On principle alone, it is a waste to allow a rare talent to remain dormant. I would very much like to advise you, to aid your understanding of your Crest. Will you accept my offer?
マリアンヌ: ……お、お断りします!
Marianne: N-no! I refuse!
ハンネマン: ……惜しい。実に惜しいぞ、マリアンヌ君。
Hanneman: That is regrettable... A veritable tragedy, Miss Marianne.
B Support
マリアンヌ: は、ハンネマン先生……。お呼び、でしょうか……?
Marianne: P-Professor Hanneman? You wanted to speak with me?
ハンネマン: マリアンヌ君、待っていたよ。散らかっているが、そこに掛けたまえ。
Hanneman: Miss Marianne, hello. Do pardon the mess. Please, have a seat.
マリアンヌ: はい……。
Marianne: Of course...
ハンネマン: 我輩は考えていた。君の父君が、何故、君の紋章を隠したがっているのか……
Hanneman: I have been puzzling over why your father would wish to conceal your Crest... And I have arrived at a conclusion. Would you like to hear it?
マリアンヌ: いえ……聞きたくありません。
Marianne: No, I...I would rather not.
ハンネマン: そうか、ならば言うまい。無論、誰に漏らすつもりもない。
Hanneman: Ah. Fair enough. Then I will keep it to myself. However, if my theory is correct... Well, then it is only natural for you, and your father, to try keeping your Crest a secret. That said, I feel I would be remiss if I didn't point out that I consider this decision a most grievous error.
マリアンヌ: ……それは、どういうことでしょうか。
Marianne: I'm not sure what you mean...
ハンネマン: 紋章は人を選ぶからだ。紋章を使いこなせぬ者には、そもそも発現しない。
Hanneman: Crests never manifest in someone unfit to bear them. Which means, Miss Marianne, you have the ability to make the most of your Crest because it is, by definition, your Crest.
マリアンヌ: ……私は、紋章を使いこなしたいなんて、少しも思っていません。
Marianne: I have no desire to make use of my Crest.
ハンネマン: いいか、マリアンヌ君。どんな紋章であれ、それは君の力になる。
Hanneman: But it can be of service to you, and, I would venture to suggest, to the world at large.
マリアンヌ: ですが……私や私の親は、生まれた時から、この紋章に悩まされてきたんです。
Marianne: Ever since I was born, that Crest has been nothing but a burden to me. My parents too.
ハンネマン: ……そういえば、君は養女だそうだな。君のご両親のどちらかが、同じ紋章を?
Hanneman: Ah, that's right. I have heard that you were adopted. Did one of your birth parents also have that Crest?
マリアンヌ: ……はい、父が。
Marianne: Uh...yes. It was my father.
ハンネマン: ならば尚更、君が持つ紋章は、実の父君の子であるという確かな証。
Hanneman: Then that Crest is evidence that you are your true father's daughter. Concealing it—hiding that truth from the world—is denying your true parentage, is it not?
マリアンヌ: そんな……。
Marianne: I don't...
ハンネマン: 君に紋章を公表しろと言うのではない。そんな必要もない。
Hanneman: I'm not suggesting that you flaunt your Crest. That would be highly unnecessary. Possibly even dangerous. I simply wish you to accept who you are.
マリアンヌ: 受け入れる?
Marianne: Accept it?
ハンネマン: あえて、もう一度言おう。君は君の紋章を使いこなす力を持っている。そして……
Hanneman: Accept the Crest, and allow its power to come forward, then it will open itself to you. Whatever the Crest may be, whatever its origin, or its nature, it can serve you. It is yours to command however you wish.
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: Mine?
ハンネマン: マリアンヌ君。紋章をいかに使うか、決めるのは誰でもない、君自身なのだよ。
Hanneman: Nobody can decide how to use your Crest, Miss Marianne. That choice is yours alone.
マリアンヌ: 少し、考えてみます……。
Marianne: I will... Um... I will think about that.
A Support
マリアンヌ: あ、あの……。ハンネマン、先生……。
Marianne: Um... Professor Hanneman?
ハンネマン: マリアンヌ君か。君のほうから訪ねてくるとは珍しいな。
Hanneman: Why, hello, Miss Marianne. A visit from you is a rare pleasure indeed.
マリアンヌ: その……私の考えを聞いていただきたいと、思いまして……。
Marianne: I, um... I wanted your opinion on something.
ハンネマン: ほう、興味があるな。是非、聞かせてくれたまえ。
Hanneman: Oh, how intriguing. Whatever is on your mind?
マリアンヌ: あの……私、少しだけ自分のことを受け入れてみようという気に、なりました。
Marianne: I'm beginning to feel that I should...accept who I am. I thought it might be time to change my training regiment...to utilize my Crest. Even if just a little.
ハンネマン: ほほう! そうか、そう思ってくれたか。うむ、実に良い考えだ。格別に素晴らしい。
Hanneman: What a splendid thought. Quite exceptional! May I ask how it is you've reached this conclusion? I admit, I did not imagine my words would do much to sway you.
マリアンヌ: 実は……前から思ってはいたんです。
Marianne: The truth is that I was already considering it before we spoke. All of my allies work relentlessly to achieve their goals, both on and off the battlefield. Seeing this, it occurred to me that I have nothing to work toward. I'm no use to anyone. If I could accept who I am, even a little, I might be able to change that. I was still considering, but after we spoke about it...well...
ハンネマン: なんと!我輩の言葉が、君の心に響いていたか……。
Hanneman: Well, indeed! So it seems my words resonated with you after all.
マリアンヌ: すみません、私、こんなふうだから、わかりづらいとは思いますけど……。
Marianne: I'm sorry. I know I'm not the best at communicating. But it's true... Your words gave me a lot to think about. They helped me come to this decision. Whatever my Crest, it should serve me.
ハンネマン: そうだ、そのとおりだよ、マリアンヌ君!
Hanneman: That's it! Exactly right, Miss Marianne!
マリアンヌ: まだ、自分の紋章を、完全に受け入れられたわけではないんです……。
Marianne: That's not to say I've accepted it completely... But I refuse to continue living in fear of myself!
ハンネマン: うむ、十分だとも! 君ならば、いずれその紋章の真の力も引き出せよう。
Hanneman: I have every confidence that you will succeed at drawing out your Crest's full strength. And I intend to help you at every step. If you'll have my help, that is.
マリアンヌ: はい、ハンネマン先生。これからも、私を見守っていてください。
Marianne: Of course. Your knowledge is much appreciated.